International contest of research projects "Yuri Gagarin - Man of Peace"

International competition of research projects "Yuri Gagarin - man of peace"

International contest of research projects "Yuri Gagarin - Man of Peace"

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March 9, 2024 will mark the 90th anniversary of the birth of the first cosmonaut of the planet Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin. For this date the Russian Space Society Vladimir State University and Vladimir Planetarium announced the International Competition of Research Projects "Yuri Gagarin - Man of the World".

The Contest is open to students of secondary and vocational educational institutions, universities of Russia and foreign countries.

Participants are divided into three categories:
- pupils of 5-7 grades of general education institutions;
- students of 8-11 grades of general education and secondary vocational institutions;
- higher education students.

Objectives of the Competition:
- fostering in the younger generation respect for the history of their country and people;
- preservation and multiplication of the historical memory of the life and activities of the Earth's First Cosmonaut, who became a symbol of the Russian man and the beginning of a new Space Age of all mankind;
- promoting the idea of "peaceful space";
- awakening interest in the younger generation to the history of space exploration, the structure of our Universe, future space breakthroughs of Mankind;
- development of professional cooperation of VlSU.

Possible research project topics:
- Y.A. Gagarin as a symbol of the Russian man and the new space age;
- The world's reaction to the flight of Yuri Gagarin;
- The image of the first cosmonaut in the domestic and foreign media;
- Family Yuri Gagarin;
- Childhood and teenage years of Yuri Gagarin;
- Life and flight of Yuri Gagarin in the reflection of cinematography;
- The life and flight of Yuri Gagarin in literature;
- Activities of Yuri Gagarin after the flight into space;
- Y.A. Gagarin and sport;
- Participant Option.

Timeframe: from 15.02.2024 to 01.04.2024.
The winners of the Contest will be announced on April 12, 2024 on the websites of VlSU, Russian Space Society, Vladimir Planetarium and other partners and co-organizers.

With all details as well as project requirements you can familiarize yourself with the Regulations.

Event registration closed.

Date And Time

2024-02-15 to

Registration End Date



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