Welcome to the conference "Discovering Space"

Welcome to the conference "Discovering Space"

Welcome to the conference "Discovering Space"

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On October 5, a conference organized by ANO "Space Education Development" with the support of Geoscan will be held as part of the international event "Road to Space". It will become a platform for exchange of ideas and technologies of open space, popularization of cosmonautics.

Among the major themes:
- ICA projects;
- amateur radio satellites;
- conducting scientific experiments in space;
- development of MCA technologies for scientific research;
- educational space projects;
- the experience of space education;
- open ground technologies for space exploration (radio and software technologies, amateur radio projects).

 You can join the conference as a speaker: to do so, please fill in the registration form. For participants wishing to make a presentation (one or more), the form for abstracts will be sent additionally. When preparing, please note that 10-15 minutes are allotted for one presentation.

When: October 5 from 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. (1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. - break).
Venue: Space Research Institute of RAS, Moscow, Profsoyuznaya St., 84/32, entrance A-4.

 Participation in the conference is free of charge, possible in person and online. Preliminary registration is required: https://vk.cc/czjMqJ

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