ICMED'2025 International Conference
The ICMED'2025 conference will become a key center involving young people in solving urgent problems of education and scientific and technological development of the country. The conference will include discussion platforms for young scientists, young teachers and professors, postgraduates, students and school researchers.
Heads of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science, the Ministry of Education and Science, the Russian Academy of Sciences, the National Agency for Qualifications Development, Russian and foreign universities and scientific organizations, representatives of the Federation Council and the State Duma, leading specialists of state corporations Rosatom, Roscosmos and Rostec are planning to take part in the discussion of the problems of education development.
The discussion platforms for young people will be held at the leading universities of the country, including Lomonosov Moscow State University (Faculty of Philosophy), Russian State University for the Humanities, Moscow Pedagogical State University, State Academic University of Humanities. The topics of the discussion platforms cover the main problems of education of the future, including schools and teachers of the future, neurotechnologies and artificial intelligence in education, ethics and medicalization of education, interdisciplinary and non-formal education, education in a multicultural environment and in a mediatized digital society, as well as a number of others.
The conference will combine its efforts to shape the image of education of the future with the All-Russian Forum of Scientific Youth "Step into the Future". The Forum will bring together more than 1,000 of the country's best young minds, whose preparation has involved the most advanced achievements of national pedagogy. Reports of the forum participants will be delivered in 14 world-class scientific centers and 13 elite universities. The Forum program includes 55 scientific sections, a scientific and technological exhibition, scientific and technological platforms, a festival of young fashion designers and fashion designers, Olympiads and competitions.
Electronic applications for participation in the conference will be accepted until January 19, 2025. Speakers, panelists and listeners are selected by the Program Committee. The organizational fee is not charged. Information about the conference is available on the site.
Phones of the Organizing Committee: +7 (499) 267-55-52, +7 (499) 263-62-82.