All-Russian interbranch competition of scientific and technical works and projects in the field of aviation and rocket-space engineering and technologies "Youth and the Future of Aviation and Cosmonautics"

An All-Russian interbranch competition of scientific and technical works and projects in the field of aviation and rocket-space engineering and technologies "Youth and the Future of Aviation and Cosmonautics"

All-Russian interbranch competition of scientific and technical works and projects in the field of aviation and rocket-space engineering and technologies "Youth and the Future of Aviation and Cosmonautics"

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 Started accepting applications for the XVI All-Russian Interindustry Contest of scientific and technical works and projects in the field of aviation and rocket-space engineering and technologies "Youth and the Future of Aviation and Cosmonautics"

 The competition consists of two stages - absentee selection and in-person presentations within the framework of the International Aerospace Science Week.

 Works in the following areas are accepted for participation:

 Aviation systems

 Aircraft, rocket engines and power plants

 Control systems, informatics and power engineering

Information and telecommunication technologies of aviation, missile and space systems

 Rocket and space systems

 Robotics, intelligent systems and aviation weapons

 Mathematical Methods in Aerospace Science and Technology

 New materials and production technologies in the field of aviation and aerospace engineering

 Economics and management of aerospace enterprises

 The competition is open to youth teams, young scientists, specialists, postgraduates and students aged 18 to 35.

 The winners of the competition in each direction will be awarded diplomas and cash prizes (the planned prize fund is not less than 1.5 million rubles), and their works will be recommended for publication in journals included in the "List of Russian peer-reviewed scientific journals".

 The deadline to apply is October 5 -.

 Details on the event's website -

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