Space project shift at the Vzlet Center, Moscow Region

Cosmic project shift at the Vzlet Center in the Moscow region

Space project shift at the Vzlet Center, Moscow Region

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Regional Educational Center "Vzlet" opened registration for the project program "Astronomical Research and Space Technologies" 🚀

The partner of the Intensive is the company "Education of the Future".

🙋 Schoolchildren of 8-11 grades of the Moscow region are invited to participate.

  • The children will solve urgent tasks faced by specialists of the Russian space industry. For example, at the last program, schoolchildren developed an application for RSC Energia named after S.P. Korolev, Russia's leading rocket and space enterprise.
  • For the first time at the Intensive, in addition to engineering projects, scientific and astronomical tasks from institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences will be presented.
  • Schoolchildren will immerse themselves in the theoretical foundations of astronautics and satellite construction.

📍 The Intensive will take place from November 1-10 at the Primakov Gymnasium campus.

Projects developed at the program can be presented at the All-Russian Grand Challenges competition.

🗓️⏰ Registration is open until 6 p.m. Oct. 11:

Event registration closed.

Date And Time

2023-11-01 to

Registration End Date


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