Air engineering school

Air Engineering School is an international movement aimed at all-round development and engineering career guidance of children and youth from all over Russia and neighboring countries.

- Interaction of schoolchildren, students and teachers throughout the Russian Federation, as well as the CIS

- Annual championship in satellite and rocket building and UAV construction

- Regional Air Engineering School Championships (Kursk, Samara, Kaliningrad Oblasts, Republic of Bashkortostan, LNR and DNR)

- Launches of their products at the test site

- Educational programs-intensives in Russia and the CIS

- Advanced training courses for scientific supervisors

- Exhibitions and conferences such as Nauka 0+, the annual Congress "Science+Business" of Innopraktika, Astrofestival in Armavir with directors, etc.

Our project provides an extensive educational base in many areas (rocket science, radio electronics, satellite engineering, drone building and many others).

Calendar of the All-Russian VISH Championship:

September - October Team registration
October - January Preparation by project participants
February Selection session
February - May Machine refinement
June Championship final