Project activities of schoolchildren. Rocket building.

Professional development course for teachers of space disciplines

What could be more mesmerizing than launching your own rocket?

The main goal of this course is to show that it is possible to open a rocket science section in any school and involve children in a rocket engineering project by demonstrating a real launch of a water rocket (or solid fuel rocket, but this requires a safer site such as an airfield) in the school stadium.

For whomfor teachers of physics or computer science, as well as for teachers of additional education engaged in engineering activities with schoolchildren from 12 to 17 years old.
Format of the eventProfessional development course from part-time (online) to full-time intensives
Location of the face-to-face programResearch Institute of Mechanics, Moscow State University, Moscow.
Periods1-2 times a year, by appointment
Price42,500 (for 2023)

Program organizers:

Topics covered:

  • Student involvement
  • Organization of work in teams
  • Preparing for the implementation of the "Technology" WSSE projects
  • Basic concepts of the physics of flight
  • Design - assembly of the rocket
  • Basic concepts of physics, sections of electricity, circuitry
  • Fundamentals of programming in Arduino IDE virtual environment
  • Types and features of rocket rescue systems
  • Fundamentals of modeling and CAD
  • Basic concepts about testing
  • Safety precautions when working with equipment and on the test site
  • Hydropneumatic rocket launch technologies
  • Technologies for analyzing data and preparing presentations.
  • Errors and uncertainties in analyzing results
  • Video editing techniques